Summer Applications are OPEN!

Why Hanging Rock Exists: We exist to build relationships and impact lives for Jesus Christ. Jesus was incredibly relational, he cared deeply for people and spent time investing in their lives. We want every camper, volunteer, and staff member that comes to Hanging Rock to feel at home, to be individually known, and to grow deeper in love with their God. So, we intentionally establish and strengthen Relationships with Christ. 

What to Expect: Hanging Rock has approximately 208 acres and several buildings. Last summer, we had 2,719 campers. We have two pools and a waste treatment plant. We do take pride in our property and like to see everything is well maintained. You can expect a team environment. 


  • Program Staff facilitate recreational activities, help clean buildings/pool, and take care of our dorms as Dorm RAs. (Minimum age of 18 & be willing to be lifeguard certified).

  • Kitchen Assistants help prepare and serve food to campers and clean up after meals. Reports to the cook. (Minimum age of 14)

  • Dishwashers wash dishes and assists other needs in the Dining Hall. Reports to the cook. (Minimum age of 14)

  • Lifeguard

    Lifeguards are responsible for the safety of our campers at the pool. (Minimum age of 15).

No file selected
Contact Information
Last Three Employers




Phone Number
Have you ever been charged with abusing a child?
If yes, explain:
Have you ever been arrested?
If yes, explain:
Have you ever been convicted of a crime?
If yes, give details:
I understand that while I am employed at Hanging Rock Christian Assembly I am not to use alcohol or tobacco.
List Previous Church Work
List Previous Work with Youth Outside the Church
Personal References








We believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God. We confess Jesus Christ, the one and only Son of the living God, as our Lord and Savior. We are obedient to His command to be baptized by immersion for the forgiveness of sin and to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. We live with hope through Jesus’ resurrection from the dead and ascension into heaven trusting in His promise to live in eternal glory with God.

I agree to abide by all the rules and guidelines set before me as an employee of Hanging Rock Christian Assembly. I have answered all questions truthfully. I will not hold the camp management, trustees, or sponsoring churches responsible for accidents caused by negligence or disobedience on my part. I accept primary responsibility of medical coverage while working at Hanging Rock. Further, I give Hanging Rock permission to use photo and video taken at camp in promotional materials.
